مواضيع للرجال للنساء

يا طيبة بالانجليزي

بالصور يا طيبة بالانجليزي

بالصور يا طيبة بالانجليزي

Oh Taiba oh Taiba
You are for sick, cure

and healing
We miss you so much
We hope to see you

When they travelled to

see you
they have forgotten me
with my tears, with my

sorrow , with my

They have taken my heart

with them for you
Oh Taiba you are my

massenger’s Taha

Oh my prophet, my most
precious whishes to visit


until end of my life
and need you to perform

my prayer and beg my Lord

and reading the Qur’an

بحث حول الانتحار
كيف اجعل قلبي متعلق بالله