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تعلم القراءة بالفرنسية

تعلم القراءة بالفرنسية 20160820 712 1

تطبيق تعلم القراءة بالفرنسية Learn French Speak French

تعلم القراءة بالفرنسية 20160820 712
Learn French Speak French with Mawuood Academy to get the best lessons ever for free!

This course is useful for everyone from beginner to advanced.
You should download this app and try it whatever level of French you are at.

With this app you can study, practice and test your French at your own pace
at any level.
This app contains vocabulary , phrases and Conversations to teach how to be fluent in
French . We’ve provided high quality reading comprehension which uses real French used
by native French speakers.

– This app has more than 2000 words/phrases with English translation
– Each conversation has its own keywords and quiz
– All content supported by correct pronunciation from a native speaker
– High quality audio
– Tap on the sentence to hear the pronunciation
– internet connection needed required

You won’t lose anything if you try it

  • تعلم القراة بالفرنسية
المقرئ خالد ديدي
امتحانات الصف الخامس الابتدائي لغة عربية